Common Eye Health Problems that You Need to Know About

The key to good eye health for the whole family starts with having the right pair of prescription glasses and having good eye health education. Having something go wrong with your eyes (or your child’s eyes) can be a terrifying or worrying experience when you don’t know what the diagnosis is or what the causes are. Whilst Myopia (short-sightedness) and Presbyopia (long-sightedness) are widely understood, there are many other eye disorders and problems which aren’t.

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Are Smartphones Creating Long Term Problems For Our Eyes?

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you pick up your phone to check your email and catch up with the news?

An hour or two later when there isn’t much to do, is it likely that you use your phone to surf the Internet or watch something on Netflix? Finally before bedtime, how long do you tend to play on your phone? Maybe you need to check Twitter one last time to make sure you haven’t missed out on anything. If this sounds a lot like you, then you are not alone.

As Apple and Samsung compete for your love, society recognises that having a multi-functioning phone is normal.

These days...   read more

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Eye Test may detect Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms develop.

Research currently underway by scientists from the University College London believe Alzheimer’s and other diseases could be detected by a simple and inexpensive eye test that could be available from high street practices within the next five years.

The non-invasive method uses fluorescent markers, which enable early indication of brain cell death by attaching to dying cells on the retina. The dying cells absorb the fluorescent dye which show up as green dots. (Image Below)

These experiments are currently being tested on mice, but the first human trials could begin this year. This fundamental...   read more

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Eye Health Awareness Week 2010 – Day 5: A recipe for healthy eyes

A varied and balanced diet should supply us with sufficient quantities of all the vitamins and trace elements needed to keep us in good health, but if you are particularly concerned about protecting your eyes and vision, there are several specific nutrients that can be easily incorporated into everyday eating. Of course, the shelves of health food shops are stacked with a wide range of supplements that can aid eye health, but the fact that the three main vitamin groups that protect eyes are found in so many everyday foods makes this the best place to start.

Eating carrots to help see in the dark...   read more

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Glaucoma Awareness Week 7th – 13th June 2010

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness, believed to affect more than 70 million people worldwide. A study by the National research strategy for ophthalmology discovered that 500,000 people in England and Wales alone suffer from some type of Glaucoma, that’s about two out of 100 people over the age of 40, and astonishingly half of these people are gradually losing their sight and completely unaware of their condition. Future Sight Loss UK who analyze the incidence, distribution and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health found that the detection,...   read more

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Bionic Eye Becomes a Reality Helping a Blind Man to See Again

We were very interested and excited to hear the news of a man who says he can now see flashes of light for the first time since he lost his sight 30 years ago thanks to a new bionic eye. It sounds like science fiction, but it is a great sign of what might actually be possible in the future. Ron, who is in his seventies had the experimental surgery seven months ago and now says he can follow white lines on the road and even sort out his socks thanks to his new bionic eye. Ron’s wife is especially pleased, saying “I’ve taught him how to use the washing machine...   read more

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