
Could Spending Too Much Time Indoors Be Damaging Children’s Eyes?

A new scientific study has indicated that children who spend too much time indoors may be putting their eyesight at risk for short-sightedness (myopia).

The study, conducted by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, discovered that a specific cell in the retina may dysfunction if insufficient natural light is received. Scientists believe that the cell dysfunction may cause myopia.

Children who spend too much time indoors are likely to lack sufficient natural light. This could lead them to be prone to myopia, the study suggests.

The Newly-Discovered Retinal Cell

The newly-detected...   read more

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The Biggest Eye Health Myths… Busted!

From telling us that carrots make us see in the dark (which is kind of true by the way) to telling us not to sit too close to the TV, our parents have been telling us all sorts of strange things about how best to look after our eyesight. But which of these things contain fact and which are just absolute rubbish?

Here are 5 of the most common eye health and eyesight myths, debunked!

1. “Not wearing glasses will damage your eyes”

Not exactly true. Whilst we can’t argue that not wearing glasses for some people may be uncomfortable, there is no scientific evidence to support that failing to wear your glasses will cause further damage to...   read more

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world book day kids glasses

Happy World Book Day! Children’s Fancy Dress Costumes with Glasses!

Happy World Book Day from Select Specs! We love World Book Day because it’s a rare opportunity to celebrate some of the best children’s literature ever written (both new and old), it’s a chance for parents to encourage reading and learning in kids, and it’s one of the only days in the year when you can really get away with saying “glasses are cool, kids”.

If you’ve been having trouble getting your little ones to wear their glasses for reading, school work, TV and other activities, now’s the time to really push the idea with them. With World Book...   read more

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encourage kids to wear glasses

Help Your Child Adjust to Wearing Glasses for the First Time

Encouraging your kids to wear glasses can be tough. Not only are they a bit of hassle, sometimes uncomfortable and yet another thing to remember to pack in the school bag every morning, but there’s a bit of a misapprehension that they might be ‘uncool’. And being ‘cool’ means everything when you’re young. But not wearing glasses when we need to can cause some serious problems; not only will it impair your child’s learning at school and make lessons more difficult, but not wearing glasses can create eye strain, eye fatigue, problems of asthenopia, double...   read more

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lunch snacks for eye health kids

Children’s Eyesight: 4 Lunchbox Snacks to Improve Eye Health

“A carrot a day keeps the eye doctor away” – we bet you’ve never heard that one before. But actually, if you did eat a carrot a day, you probably would have superb eye health because carrots are full of Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that helps to keep the retina in good condition and also helps to keep eye function running smoothly. Food plays a huge part in how healthy we are from the inside out; from leafy green veggies looking after our liver function to wild berries helping to boost our serotonin levels, food can make a huge impact on the quality of...   read more

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computers eye health

Looking After Your Eye Health: Doing Day-to-Day Tasks

From reading and typing away on our laptops to using our mobile phones and watching TV, the things we do from day-to-day can really affect our eye health. Many of us suffer from tired eyes, dry eyes or eye strain but few of us do very much about it. In the long term, these minor symptoms and discomforts can impact on our eye health so it’s important we do everything we can to eliminate these problems.

There are safe and correct ways of conducting day-to-day things, including the distance we should be holding a book from our face and the correct lighting for close-up tasks or computer...   read more

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signs your child is short sighted

10 Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Test

According to research done by the NHS, children rarely complain about experiencing sight problems. But with short-sightedness (myopia) affecting one in three people in the UK, it’s important to get a check-up regularly (every 2 years is recommended for kids). Children may be unlikely to make complaints about their vision because they normally don’t even realise that they are experiencing problems, but there are plenty of signs you can look out for as a parent. Eye exams are currently free of charge for anyone under the age of 15 years and with NHS opticians being able to detect...   read more

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