Snapchat At It Again With launch of Bizarre Vending Machine

One of the hottest products gaining as much momentum as a runaway freight train is Snapchat’s sunglasses. This video capturing eyewear has taken the social media world by storm.

Continuously hitting the headlines, Snapglasses has gone one step further in the run up to the holiday season. As if taking videos on the move was not enough for the Twitterati. It appears that Snapchat intends to outdo others with the mysterious installation of yellow vending machines.

These luminous and imposing machines don’t dispense drinks or even snacks. Au contraire mon ami, the bright vending products distribute...   read more

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You Can Now Explore Mars Thanks to Microsoft HoloLens

You Can Now Explore Mars Thanks to Microsoft HoloLens

If the closest you’ve ever come to exploring Mars is nibbling on a chocolate bar, you’ll likely be excited that, by putting on a Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality headset, you can now explore the Red Planet’s rocky terrain.

Yes, it’s very much a virtual experience – but also a great indicator of how far the technology has come, not to mention a hint at how much further it could go.

Introducing “Destination: Mars”

We all know the story of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon – but, over the last 70 years, various strategies for human travel to Mars ...   read more

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The Fascinating Evolution of VR Eyewear Since the 1980s

The Fascinating Evolution of VR Eyewear Since the 1980s

Virtual reality might be increasingly “in”, but it’s taken a while for the technology to progress beyond being merely a slightly amusing gimmick. The eyewear for escaping into virtual worlds has become more stylish-looking, too! To see just how far VR eyewear has come, here are some notable examples of it through recent history – dating right back to the 1980s.

Sega 3-D Glasses

Remember the Sega Master System? Okay, you probably don’t – but your Dad might. Anyway, in 1987, the same year that the Master System console arrived in Europe, Sega brought out ...   read more

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How iPhone Users Can Enjoy Virtual Reality Right Now!

How iPhone Users Can Enjoy Virtual Reality Right Now

While Google has obviously been very busy with its exploits in virtual reality, it’s not so obvious how Apple plans to utilise this technology. Still, there remain many ways in which iPhone users can don a fancy headset and throw themselves into awesome virtual worlds.

Could Apple be working on a VR headset?

Could we soon see an Apple-branded VR headset hit the market? It certainly looks probable. On his company’s quarterly earnings call in January, Apple CEO Tim Cook remarked: “In terms of VR, I don’t think it’s a niche. It’s really cool and has some interesting applications.”

Given how incredibly secretive Apple tends...   read more

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Virtual Reality: Why Google Makes It Fun for the Masses

Virtual Reality: Why Google Makes It Fun for the Masses

Among the technologies currently rising to prominence, virtual reality is one of the most exciting. But, isn’t it also rather expensive to try out at the moment? How many of us can afford to shell out money on VR headsets on top of our usual expenses? Thankfully, Google has cut the usual cost, while still allowing for amazing experiences, with its currently available VR platform Cardboard.

How to get started with Cardboard

If you’re one of the very many people with an iPhone or Android smartphone, you can quickly and inexpensively get up and running with Cardboard. To start with, you need a compatible VR viewer – you can...   read more

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Microsoft HoloLens: The True Future of Augmented Reality?

Microsoft HoloLens: The True Future of Augmented Reality?

Tech companies are certainly doing some clever stuff with glasses at the moment – to the extent that an emerging product category, that of “smart glasses”, has been tipped to see sales of over 12 million by 2020. We’ve been particularly intrigued by one of the early projects in this area, Google Glass – but the Microsoft HoloLens could actually turn out to be the bigger game-changer.

What exactly is Microsoft HoloLens?

Juniper Research defines smart glasses as “head-mounted … devices that provide display and computing capabilities while overlaying, but not replacing, the visual world”....   read more

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Google Glass 2: Without A Screen?

It seems like things on the surface are not as they appear over at Google. In spite of the tepid reception these glasses received, everything doesn’t seem all that its cracked up to be!

Since the initial product was introduced back in 2013, it has attempted to captivate audiences. Offering its slick design coupled with fast information, Google Glass provided the ability to capture hand-free images as well as bring up speedy information.

So whether you needed to to check the latest weather updates or flight times, its navigation was second to none. However, reports have surfaced about the...   read more

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