Woman Underwater

Warning: Keep Contacts Away From Water

In order to keep your contact lenses sterile – you must prevent them from coming in contact with water.

Unfortunately, it’s often too easy to let convenience take the upper hand over safety.

For example: you’re running late for a night out with friends, and you need to take a quick shower before heading out. But, time is running out. You decide to keep your contact lenses in while showering, instead of taking them out.

Convenient? For sure.

However, contact lenses and water are a potentially hazardous combination. Here’s why.

Contact Lenses & Swimming

While lounging poolside, you may consider wearing...   read more

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The History of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are incredibly popular nowadays, but have you ever thought about their origins?

As you’ll discover below, the development of contact lenses is a fascinating story filled with inspiration, perseverance – and timing.

The Da Vinci Codex

Go back more than 500 centuries to the year 1508 where contact lenses were first born.

The same year that Leonardo da Vinci introduced the concept of contact lenses in his Codex of the eye, Manual D.

In the book, he sketched ideas for vision correction through a contact lens/water combination. It’s believed that his inspiration for these ideas was from noticing...   read more

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Allergy Sufferer

Allergies & Contacts: Top Three Tips To Help

If you suffer from allergies, you’ll know very well that spring, summer, and autumn are the most hazardous seasons for reactions.

During this time period, airborne pollen can trigger hay fever and its distressing symptoms such as itchy, red eyes, sneezing, and running nose.

In addition to the risk of hay fever, you may also be sensitive to indoor allergens (e.g., dust and mould), which can be present all year round.

As you may be aware, wearing contact lenses can be difficult when experiencing allergy symptoms. However, there are several steps you can take to help with this problem.

Here...   read more

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Parents Choose Unapproved Eye Treatments Over Children’s Specs

It appears parents are looking at other ways to enhance their kids sight rather than SelectSpecs – if you pardon the pun!

There is nothing child-like here though, as something more dangerous is going on. Unapproved treatments rather than glasses are being chosen by parents and the rate is increasing.

This is largely in part down to myopia which is on the up and up. Otherwise known as nearsightedness, this eye related disorder is far from being on the wane. Millions of kids worldwide have had to wear glasses on a permanent basis in order to improve their vision.

Yet, what is being promoted...   read more

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Smart Contact Lenses Using Metamaterials To Change Optical Future

No dear friends, your eyes are most definitely not deceiving you, this is far from an optical illusion.

What are we actually talking about? We all know the powerful effect that wearing contact lenses has on individuals. Regular contacts are worn by millions globally where they have the opportunity to see clearer.

There are daily contacts as well as monthly ones to choose from. Whatever your lens of choice may be, you may possibly spill your solution after this latest revelation.

The Technology

Many scientists are starting to realise the potential of something which is known as metamaterials. Hold the front page...   read more

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Samsung Patents Smart Contact Lens With Built-in Camera

You can forget about all those top of the range smart glasses. Yes, Google may have already jumped on the tech bandwagon with their Google Glass product, but contact lenses are set to undergo a gizmo renaissance thanks to Samsung.

The South Korean giant has filed a unique patent that features a built-in camera. This in turn projects images into the eye. Seeing may very well be believing as these contacts provide a number of different functions.

How will they work?

From a crystal clear display to an antenna and sensors, Samsung are set to bring you the complete picture. So how does it exactly work? The antenna will...   read more

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products for dry eyes

7 Lifesaving Products for Tired Eyes or Dry/Irritated Eyes

Whether you get dry eyes and irritation from your contact lenses, suffer from Blepharitis or another medical condition, or you just struggle with general eye discomfort, there are plenty of products out there that can help to soothe your symptoms. Here are our top 7 lifesaving products for tired eyes or dry/irritated eyes, and they’re all affordable and extremely easy to use.

1. Systane Lubricant Eye Drops

Systane Lubricant Eye Drops are the first eyedrops to be clinically proven to relieve symptoms of dry eyes. Not only that, but these lubricating and moisturising eyedrops are proven to provide long lasting relief...   read more

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