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Digital Protection & Blue Block

We spend a large part of day using our electronic devices, from TV's, tablets, smart phones, or laptops, whether it's at work, at home, or anywhere in between. We're continually connected and exposed to the potential harm of blue light.

Fortunately, you can now protect against Blue Light with our BlueGuard Digital Protection lenses starting from only $24.50.

Did you know...

Blue light is one of the shortest but highest energy wavelengths, ranging from 380nm to 500nm.

60% of us...

Spend more than 6 hours a day in front of digital devices.

68% of adults...

In the UK are reported to currently own a smart phone.

Disrupted sleep...

Using a digital screen just before bed can result in more tossing, turning and difficulty falling asleep.


What is Blue Light?

Blue light (HEV - high energy visible) is part of the visible light spectrum found naturally in daylight hours from the sun or artificially from backlit digital devices. This can be broken down in to Blue-Violet and Blue-Turquoise light.

Naturally occurring blue-turquoise light helps regulate your sleep and wake cycles (known as circadian rhythm), boosts your alertness, mood and general well-being.

However, the increasing usage of backlit digital devices and excessive exposure to artificial blue light can have a negative affect by causing disruption to your circadian rhythm (by primarily suppressing the important sleep hormone, melatonin), digital related eye strain and headaches.


Reducing your exposure

Ideally, we should try to reduce our exposure to blue light where possible, especially around bed time to ensure we get a great nights sleep. However, while this is not always possible there are some steps you can take:

Blue light lens filter

Lenses such our BlueGuard lenses include a filter to actively block harmful blue-violet light. This also includes regular UV protection, scratch resistance and anti-reflective coatings.

Reduce brightness

If you're using a computer, tablet or phone in the evening, it's recommended to reduce the brightness to a minimum to reduce exposure to blue light. Many smart phones and tablets now also include a night shift or evening mode, this reduces brightness and adjusts the colour temperature to a warmer hue.

Top tip

If you spend a lot of time using digital devices, we highly recommend giving your eyes regular breaks by focusing on different objects at various distances. A good excuse to go and make a cup of tea!


BlueGuard Digital Protection

1.56 / 1.6 / 1.67 / 1.74 Single Vision Lenses

If you're looking for a 'Blue Block' filter for your next pair of prescription glasses, we can highly recommend our BlueGuard Digital Protection lenses available from only $24.50 Simply choose a frame from our men's or women's collections, then proceed to add your prescription and choose your lenses.

Lens details

UV+420cut™ technology to filter out UVA, UVB, and high energy visible light of 400nm - 420mn.

Whether you're spending time outside or indoors using computers, smart phones or tablet devices, our BlueGuard lenses are perfect for everyday use.

Available in 1.56, 1.6, 1.67 or 1.74 single vision. Lenses have a very slight yellow cast (as pictured above).
